There is a brand new 2nd Edition now available of the popular book Handhelds for Teachers and Administrators by Tony Vincent and Janet Caughlin. This new edition has a lot of new information, including a section on podcasting, which includes
Video-based professional development
The newest show on Karen’s Educational Mashups is up. This show features different ways that video resources are being used to provide just-in-time professional development. With all the time pressures on teachers, I’d expect this to be a growing area
New media player/recorder options
In the ongoing quest to find the best sub-$100 media player with a built-in voice recorder, I’ve just spent some time looking at Sandisk’s new offerings, and I like them. The reason I haven’t liked Sandisk’s low- to mid-range players
New mashup is available
The new show from Karen’s Mashups is up. This one features podcasts produced by elementary students. You’ll be impressed by the great work done by these kids and by how much thinking and learning is obviously going on. If you’re
Podcast observations
In producing episodes for my podcast, which is a mashup of various podcasts and other digital content of interest to educators, I’ve been listening to lots and lots of podcasts. As such, I have some observations and suggestions to share
Michigan's proposal for an MP3 player for every student
Michigan has a new legislative proposal on the table to purchase an iPod or other MP3 player for every student (not surprisingly probably influenced by Apple). Interesting, but wouldn’t a handheld that could play music and video podcasts, as well
New podcast for educators
I am happy to announce my new podcast “Karen’s Educational Mashups.” This podcast is a compilation of excerpts from podcasts and other free audio and video content of interest to educators. Shows will air twice a month, and each show
Final thoughts on NCCE 2007
Well, NCCE was a great conference this year as always. I consistently find the sessions at this conference to be a step ahead of most other conferences. I’m on the plane on my way home now, and here are a
Ed podcast mashup
New versions of the first ed pdocast mashup are up for video (WMV and MP4). Also the audio file is fixed now. ——————– Technorati Tags: ncce007 ncce2007 ncce07
NCCE podcasting session follow-up
Thanks to everyone who attended my whirlwind “Podcasting: What You Need to Get Started” session this morning at NCCE. Here are a few follow-up things I said I’d post: – Philips GoGear 1 GB MP3 player (This is the small