I’ve been pretty vocal about my view of conferences in the past. They seem to me to be a less than optimal format of professional development, and I feel inauthentic standing up and lecturing (presenting) about not standing up and
Looking forward to Podstock Southwest
Podstock Southwest is being held on Aug. 6-7 in El Paso, Texas. I’m presenting sessions on open content resources, Web 2.0 and mini-laptops, and Web 2.0 applications for personal and school use. If you’re attending, stop by and say hi.
Podcast on Ed Conferences
The newest episode of Karen’s Educational Mashups is now up. This show features podcasts from educational conferences. This is a great way to get the professional development benefits from conferences that you may not be able to attend in-person. Image
Michigan Handheld Conference
The 6th Annual Michigan Handheld Computers in Education Conference is coming up soon. It will be held Nov. 9-11 at Washtenaw Intermediate School District in Ann Arbor.