There are so many great open resources that teachers can use legally in creating multimedia projects (reports, PPTs, web pages, wikis, etc.) with their students, but they take a lot of time to find and correlate.
As a part of a recent project, I’ve started putting together “media sets” — bundled collections of photos, maps, diagrams, videos, etc. on very specific topics for teachers and students to use.
Here’s an example of one on Ancient China. It includes a timeline, photos of art from various dynasties, maps, etc. Each piece is open-licensed. You can right-click the file to get source and license information.
We also have media sets for ancient Egypt, contemporary Asia, contemporary Africa, American westward expansion, human interaction with our environment, etc. with more to come.
Questions for you:
- Is this something that is useful to you?
- What would make it more useful?
- What other topics would you like to see?
- Would you be interested in attending a 3-hour workshop at a conference at which participants would all build media sets on topics of their choice?
I’m especially interested in answers to that last questions, since it’s the time of year when I’m submitting workshop ideas for conferences. How about it?